Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Adventures in St. Louis

This year I was so blessed to be able to attend the annual ACFW Conference which was held in St. Louis. My friend Liz Tolsma drove down and I was fortunate to ride along with her. We chatted about writing (of course)--about our current projects, and about our families. After we arrived and checked into the hotel room, I looked out the window and saw a terrific view of the Gateway Arch. However, I didn't have the nerve to ride the Arch's elevator to the top.
At the conference I caught up with a lot of friends I hadn't seen in a while and heard wonderful speakers who taught informative workshops. One of the highlights was being able to chat with my agent, Mary Sue Seymour.

If you're a writer, interested in publishing in the Christian market, I highly recommend attending ACFW's national conference. You might also check the organizations website to see if there's a local chapter in your area. Here in southeastern Wisconsin, a new chapter just began: ACFW-WISE. And, yes, we're a bunch of wiseguys --
Or, perhaps we're just wise authors. 

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